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(2 edits)

Thanks so much for the map mate, having a blast.

One bug I've noted - Circle Farm grain bin it refills itself lol, took out 46k of grain and it reappeared.

it also doesn't show how much is stored.

That's also happening with me.  Same thing with the hay silo.

(1 edit)

i had a case ih 8250

Great map by DJ, I downloaded the same day it dropped. I love DJ's maps because the multiple farms you can choose from. I have play on three different farms, and they are all high quality. Highly recommend the map!

(3 edits)

Really like this map! so far the only issues I have is that all of the textures somehow end up being lowest res. Not sure what to do, I'm not running a hyper-computer but most other maps run at the same fps and still use decently visible res. And also that white open shed next to the white barn on black acres eats of frames like there's 35 implements in it.

Edit: a relatively small but i doubt will work for everyone fix was changing the renderer to DX11. Can be done by going into game.xml and changing D3D_12 to of course D3D_11. Fixed both issues.

Great Map - think i may have found a bug - in the  railroad silo unload point  for some reason the base game semi trailers will only unload the back hopper automatically - i am having to unload the front hopper manually every time?  looks like if you zoom into the inside of the building it is missing the front portion of the unload point?

i downloaded this map from the app on pc it let's me download it from website i just thought it would be easier though the app but it says  this host is on incompatble third party site if you know how to fix this let me know or a way around this ?

An amazing map but too many bugs for me. Having problems with contracts on some fields, alfalfa doesn’t regrow and grain bins multiplying what I already have stored. Hope it gets fixed soon but until then I’ll stick to Midwest Horizons.

It's really too bad that corn stalks can't be used for bedding. And the swaths are gigantic, much too large.

Thanks for this map, we enjoy playing on it.

Seem to run into an issue where contracts do not complete even when the work is done. This happened so far on 4 different fields (36, 42, 23, 21) but there may be others.

is there a manure spawn point

hey, it might be my game but I noticed the silage silos when activated on the main farm don't work. i was wondering if anyone had a fix for them?

thanks for that beautiful map! I’m having a blast with it!

The one thing I noticed is that alfalfa and clover don’t regrow. I tried with only the map, precision farming and easy dev in my mod folder, I tried to monkey around with it a bit but can’t figure it out. Any tips to get the problem solved? 

Anyone else having issues using the bean and corn stalks for TMR.  It seems as though mixing wagons don't have it as a fill type. Anyone know how to fix this?

hello can someone help me I only use a precision mod   

2023-02-14 00:03 DensityMapFilter: called from =C:/Users/laloe/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_PrecisionFarmingAnhydrousReady/scripts/maps/NitrogenMap.lua (753)

2023-02-14 00:03 Error: Invalid object parameter in DensityMapFilter.

2023-02-14 00:03 DensityMapFilter: called from =C:/Users/laloe/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_PrecisionFarmingAnhydrousReady/scripts/maps/NitrogenMap.lua (753)

2023-02-14 00:03 :37 [info lp64385] 8RT 370/755: The driver stopped after: 13m:47s, time passed without standing still: 13m:46s, first prediction was: 35m:42s

2023-02-14 00:03 Warning (script): 'resetDensityMapAndChannels': Argument 1 has wrong type. Expected: Int. Actual: Nil 

2023-02-14 00:03   2023-02-14 00:03 D:\auto_builder\cache\svn\640050437397821b319c267ef24e9fdd\src\base\scripting\lua\LuaScriptSystem.cpp (903)2023-02-14 00:03 : 2023-02-14 00:03 expectedType == Value::VoidType || expectedType == Value::ClassType

2023-02-14 00:03 LUA call stack:

  =C:/Users/laloe/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_PrecisionFarmingAnhydrousReady/scripts/maps/NitrogenMap.lua (1427) : resetDensityMapAndChannels

  =C:/Users/laloe/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_PrecisionFarmingAnhydrousReady/scripts/specializations/ExtendedSprayer.lua (231) : getTargetLevelAtWorldPos

  dataS/scripts/specialization/SpecializationUtil.lua (23)

  dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (1886) : raiseEvent

  dataS/scripts/network/NetworkNode.lua (163) : update

  dataS/scripts/network/Server.lua (62) : updateActiveObjects

  dataS/scripts/BaseMission.lua (1134) : update

  dataS/scripts/FSBaseMission.lua (1983) : update

  dataS/scripts/missions/mission00.lua (577) : update

  dataS/scripts/main.lua (1244) : update

2023-02-14 00:03 Warning (script): 'resetDensityMapAndChannels': Argument 1 has wrong type. Expected: Int. Actual: Nil 

2023-02-14 00:03   2023-02-14 00:03 D:\auto_builder\cache\svn\640050437397821b319c267ef24e9fdd\src\base\scripting\lua\LuaScriptSystem.cpp (903)2023-02-14 00:03 : 2023-02-14 00:03 expectedType == Value::VoidType || expectedType == Value::ClassType

2023-02-14 00:03 LUA call stack:

Hi!... I love this map... enjoy playing it in FS19, and now in FS22. Had a problem with field 44 (bought field)... Was harvesting / baling / plowing with several equipment at the same time and in a moment like when harvesting was at 70% completed, the field turned its texture to plowed and lost all my corn. What it possibly be ?... I had bought Century Farms, and leased the 2 fields below it (can't remember numbers I guess 49 - 50). Thanks!.

Love the map, but the alfalfa doesn't seem to be growing back like it would in real life. Is this on purpose or am I doing something wrong.

Just noticed that I am unable to removed some foliage's around buildings and trees either with the paint features or with mower mod.  Did i miss something in the instructions.  I am extremely impressed with the map overall, excellent setup, bugs will get worked out.......

Deleted 1 year ago

Hands down best FS 22 map to date! Your pride of workmanship shines through. One small issue I have found. Field 44 has an ownership issue. I own the field but contracts still appear for it and each time I load in whatever crop was on there is gone an is replaced with newly planted grass. 

I have the same issue but I've owned the field and still it turned into a plowed field when I was harvesting about 70% of my corn and lost the rest. 

Hi DJ , I have encounter a bug , on the main dairy farm in the silos I empty out all my grain saved the game , start up the game and all the grain is back silos are full of grain again

I've had that problem with the Dryer function. You don't need to turn ON (little light blue dot) the production of any of them except the Dryer... then it works like a charm. They pass trough all the grains from input to 'ready to output' without any production enabled. Good luck.


fantastic map, did notice that on starting farm in 'new farmer' mode the pigs like to run all over the place. One crossed the road and kept on walking north until it walked out of sight.


Yeah I was driving down the road back to the farm and saw this big fat deer in the field so I went to take a closer look and it was one of my pigs haha

Beautiful map, but I've been having a bug with the silos attached to the corn dryer in field 10, I put in about 34,000 liters of oats and after saving and reloading  the game several times the silos have more than 100,000 liters (after the most recent time loading the game it was over 600.000!). Also, I've encountered some weird collisions on the street lights in town where passing under them is like driving into a wall, although that may be related to the vehicle or implement mod.

I've had that problem with the Dryer function. You don't need to turn ON (little light blue dot) the production of any of them except the Dryer... then it works like a charm. They pass trough all the grains from input to 'ready to output' without any production enabled. Good luck.

I know it's fictional, but you said it's based on the NE corner of Iowa, but most of the fields are actually in Wisconsin. Unless you have the map flipped and it's running S-N, but Iowa is West of the Mississippi and Wisconsin is East of it.

great map. Really enjoy everything with it. Only one big problem a few other friends are having as well is when it comes to harvest season we get 1/10th of the fields harvested and the rest of the crop goes to the harvested stage. Happened 3 different times. Any way to solve this issue?

Hey I found a bug on the map at the shop there is a collision


Keep only one version of precision farming mod

and also check for duplicate mods

(1 edit)


(1 edit)

First off, love the map. great scenery. im just having issues with contracts saying I dont have access to the land. seems to happen as soon as I hire worker or start course-play

Does anyone else have an issue with this barn on Black Acres Farm??? it causes a really bad fps drop, i get 50-60fps on the rest of the farm and map but when I look at the shed and I get 14fps, same thing goes with parts of the town

I am having the same issue, I can only assume its probably like super high poly in comparison to the other assets.

Great map. I love it. Problem I have is bushes doesn't disappear when mowing or when placing a placeable like a manure pit. Not sure if its a map issue or a "me" issue.

You can paint grass over these spots and repaint with the texture you need afterwards.

could you make the harvestors separately so we can use them in the build mode ?

Loving the map so far. The winters are HARSH :) Just an FYI the pigs are getting out of the pen in the starting farm. Haven't tried the cows yet. 

I think its a mod conflict, happens for me too, cant figure it out yet

Cows haven't left their pen yet, so only the pigs for me. Thanks for the reply. I'll just treat them as free range pigs. LOL 

Map is amazing... thoroughly enjoying it.  One question, how do I produce TMR form the harvestore silos on Stanley Dairy?

they only produce Silage, TMR you need base game mixer

Another amazing map! 5/5! Is there a download for the fermenting silos? I wanted to place one down in Century Farm but not seeing the silo available to.

they are only specific to those few farms, sorr

any idea how i can pick up the alfalfa and clover for silage other than a pick up wagon and baler? any modded forage harvesters capable of picking it up? the headers will but the machine wont put it in a trailer. 


i have not tried with any modded forage harvesters, they are added in map as new fruit types so they should be also recognized in the mods too. Let me test and see if that issue happens on my end


thanks for the reply. i didnt try any in game harvesters. only modded ones from skywalker farms and tired iron modding. they all show only grass and chaff in the store options. but the pick up headers show alfalfa and clover. 

I tried it with Basegame Forage Harvesters also and it does not work.
No other mods active.

Hi, did you find a solution for this problem? Facing the same problem with the Base Game JD Forage Harvester. Happens with direct disk and also with JD 639 Premium pickup. All Base-Game.

i havent found a solution as of yet. tried editing some modded harvestors and pick ups but no luck

Outstanding work on the map, I have really been enjoying my time so far.  

There seems to be an issue with field 56,  The fieldMapIndicator for field056 (4>3|55|1) is outside of its associated farmland 50 area. This appears to cause the field to be updated by the AI even when the farmland is owned by the player.  My soybeans disappeared mid harvest!  I moved the fieldMapIndicator inside the farmland in GE and have not had the issue since.

Thank you, i have notified that, i will fix that

Any recommendations to get out of the shop gate.  No able to open the gate. 

When you are in front of the gate, look to the right. There is a control box. Near the control box you can open the gate by pressing the left mouse button.

reven map no es compatible hasta ahora es el único script

I can't get the map to load past 85%. Any suggestions?

Make sure you have regular Precision Farming turned off in the mod selection menu

You're a lifesaver man! I was about to go through all my mods 1x1 and I have hundreds. Cheers.

 Please use only use one version of Precision Farming

(1 edit)

to be honest: I expected just another desultory conversion of a FS19 map.. and what did I got?: the clearly best version of one of my all time favorite maps!!! I like the reworking of the South (which in RL actually is the North ;-), the better elaborated farms (and the pastures), the work you've done on the cities, the exchanged textures on the country lanes, the traffic on the river and the many new details like the small plane, the signs etc (and that's just after the first fly over)
huge job DJ Modding... thanks, thanks and thanks again!

(1 edit)


(1 edit)


having same problem

 Please use only use one version of Precision Farming

I had the same problem, it's the Anhydrous Precision Farming mod conflicting with the Compost Precision Farming mod.  I took out the Compost one and it works fine now.  The map description makes it sound like both are required, but they don't work together and I'm not sure which we're supposed to use..

Sorry for the confusion,  Please use only use one version of Precision Farming

 Please use only use one version of Precision Farming

 Please use only use one version of Precision Farming

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